Shanghai Reijay's Indoor Incentive Party

May 25, 2022
Latest company news about Shanghai Reijay's Indoor Incentive Party

      In a heartwarming display of unity and camaraderie, the staff of Shanghai Reijay marked the thirtieth day of their safe quarantine within the factory premises on April 24th. The occasion was celebrated with an exuberant incentive party, carefully planned and executed by managers from various departments.


      Undeterred by the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, the managers and amateur cooks embarked on an afternoon culinary adventure to prepare a sumptuous feast for the staff. Striking a balance between maintaining regular production and delivery schedules, the team created a festive atmosphere without compromising the factory's core operations.


      The factory premises transformed into a lively carnival of talent and joy as the sun set on another workday. Staff members who had completed their daily tasks showcased their hidden talents in entertaining performances. Laughter echoed through the factory halls as colleagues indulged in engaging games.


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      "The most relaxing day over the past few weeks," beamed one of the staff organisers, who had orchestrated a 'League of Legends tournament, providing a unique bonding opportunity for the employees. "It was so rare to find such a good atmosphere under the pandemic. The joy and happiness of today made our Shanghai Reijay family closer and more solid!"


      The event was a testament to the staff’s resilience and strong sense of community during their quarantine. Many expressed their envy at the close-knit environment that had flourished within the factory walls.


      "It's truly remarkable to witness Reijay workers forging such strong bonds day after day, managing their workload while also finding time to relax and cherish each other's company," mused an attendee. "This experience would be nearly impossible to replicate in the future. Free from the distractions of daily life, this precious time will undoubtedly become an unforgettable memory for us all. Congratulations are for achieving an impressive record of ZERO COVID-19 cases at Shanghai Reijay for the past month!"


      The incentive party served as a celebration and highlighted the incredible dedication and unity that can thrive despite adversity. As the world continues to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, stories like that of Shanghai Reijay stand as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the power of human connection and the ability to find joy even in uncertain times.